Sales Enablement
By up skilling your sales teams we can help you achieve larger pipeline, upsell existing customers and increase your product mix
At Illuminate we understand the challenges of selling Microsoft products. Our sales enablement programs are written in conjunction with Microsoft, so the content provided is relevant to current trends and technologies.
By investing in your team's product knowledge and sales skills we can help you to achieve increased sales and product upgrade opportunities. 

Training your sales team can give your organisation some key advantages:

Improved Product Knowledge

we work directly with Microsoft to provide up to date messaging and answers to your questions about Microsoft products and services. We then adjust this messaging aligning it with our years of experience of what works best in the UK market.

Enhanced Sales Techniques

Our Microsoft sales training programs are designed to teach you the latest sales techniques and best practices, empowering you to engage with your customers more effectively, identify their needs, and close deals.

Targeted Sales Strategies

By learning how to leverage Microsoft products to solve your customers' specific pain points, you can develop more targeted sales strategies that resonate with your customers, increasing the likelihood of closing deals and increasing your sales pipeline.

Competitive Advantage

By investing in Microsoft sales training, you can gain a competitive advantage over other players in the channel, positioning yourself as a leader in the market. With a strong command of Microsoft products and services, you'll be able to stand out from the crowd, win more business, and increase your sales pipeline.

At Illuminate Learning, we offer a wide range of training programs to suit the needs of your business. We can onboard new starters with academy style sessions. We can provide refresher training for your sales team; we are confident we can bring new ideas to even very experienced sellers.
We have vast experience of bringing focus days and half days to life, highlighting specific areas of Microsoft messaging to align with your priorities. If you are looking to get off to a flying start or to close out your quarter with a bang, bring us in to create a buzz!
Let us help you take your business to the next level by Illuminating your path to success with the power of Microsoft products and services.
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